A Culture Monument for Cleveland: “Ohio Infinity”

Modern sculptures like the Bean in Chicago and the Wall Street Bull in New York are celebrated for a variety of reasons, and the positive economic impact these kinds of pieces have created is undeniable. It’s the same kind of effect the Ohio Infinity sculpture is designed to produce for the space or area in Ohio where it’s built.

An example of how the eventual surface of the piece can be customized based on direct community feedback.

A model of the Ohio Infinity culture monument is pictured here along with a comparison of a similar model and the eventual piece, highlighting how these models will translate into reality. All of the decisions around the symbols, words and images that will appear throughout the piece will be determined based on community feedback and support. This selection process will enable the surrounding community to relate to the piece and ensure it has a positive impact in the present and extend far into the future.

Comparison of a model to the finished “Questions”Culture Monument.


Showcase of the different letters of O-H-I-O that viewers will be able to clearly see from different sides of the sculpture.

Viewers will be encouraged to interact with the piece itself to see and experience these details in a variety of ways. That interaction will also allow them to walk around the piece and spell out the letters O-H-I-O. This personal interaction is what will help ensure it becomes both a destination and a draw.

Examples of what these symbols, words and images can look like and how they’re incorporated into pieces like Ohio Infinity” are below.

Ohio Infinity

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