And So We Endure is a Monument That Defines Longevity on Multiple Levels

Newly Defining a Legacy

Utilizing materials that range from stone to steel, monuments are typically built to endure on a generational level. The concrete and granite that define the And So We Endure monument, located in Edmonds, Washington, is similarly designed to stand the test of time. However, the words and symbols that it contains are connected to a longevity that isn’t just about the physical piece, but are instead connected to something far more long-lasting.

Symbols and Purpose

Spread all across the front of the piece is a poem that is connected to purpose. It details challenges and struggles that are universal in nature but also explores what it can mean to combat such issues. All of these experiences are connected to the theme of endurance that the poem ends with.

The symbols that appear throughout are similarly connected to the themes of triumph and eternity, highlighting the multiple ways that the piece is connected to community, history, identity and more. These symbols can be utilized in multiple ways to drive an economic impact for stakeholders.

The monument itself serves a functional purpose as well, since it has the space for several plants. Some of these plants are native to the region, further connecting it to the space and community.

By connecting with audiences on so many different levels and serving so many different needs for stakeholders, And So We Endure has the potential to define the surrounding community in a profound manner. Doing so will create positive economic and cultural benefits across multiple eras.

Newly Defining a Legacy

While monuments of all types are designed to celebrate a legacy, And So We Endure is unique in terms of how it newly defines a legacy for the space and stakeholders. Doing so has ensured that the words and symbols it contains will continue to be utilized and interpreted by individuals and the entire community. Given the materials that were used to construct the piece, they’ll do so in ways that will continue to evolve as those individuals and communities evolve and change.

The Monumentous

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