Free Edmonds Merchandise

Examples of the type of merchandise that can be sold by establishments when connected to a Culture Monument

Associated with the “Edmonds Is” sculpture, you can connect with the National Monument Association (NMA) to receive a free sample of one of the products that are connected to the piece. They’re just one of the many pieces of merchandise that can be associated with a Culture Monument like “Edmonds Is,” more of which can be seen here.

These types of Culture Monuments have redefined spaces in a positive way but also opened up opportunities related to the sale of merchandise like the one listed here.

Additionally, they can be connected to larger initiatives that are part of NMA Tours, like this one.

Details about the value these sorts of pieces can enable for businesses and organizations of all types are detailed in books that you can preview here.

To get a piece of Edmonds merchandise for free, please provide us with some info.

Click here to receive the free piece of merchandise

The Monumentous

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