Labor Plaza Transforms a Space to Celebrate the History of the Labor Movement in San Antonio

Acclaiming the History of Organized Labor in San Antonio

Located in San Antonio, Texas, Labor Plaza highlights the contributions of the labor movement and labor leaders in the city and the United States. Featuring multiple landmarks and plenty of space to reflect on the past and come together in the present, the landmark has transformed the space in a way that enables connection on a much wider level.

Acclaiming the History of Organized Labor in San Antonio

Labor Plaza was installed in 2022 in a location that previously featured a statue of labor leader Samuel Gompers. Stakeholders worked to replace the decaying sculpture in a way that would recognize labor, civil rights and social justice in San Antonio in a much bigger way. It features sculptures, poetry and other visual artwork that are designed to educate and inspire audiences from across the city and beyond.

The center of the plaza features space that recognizes eight notable San Antonio labor figures, including Gompers. Three stainless steel sculptures are titled “I Remember Everything” which represent the freedom that labor leaders fought for in the United States. A poem titled “So that Our Crossing May Never be Obstructed” and artworks are etched into the space. All of these pieces are inspired by the Labor Movement, unions and the Mexican Muralist art movement.

As part of the larger River Walk Public Art Garden and overlooking the San Antonio Riverwalk, Labor Plaza is connected to the culture and history of the city, enabling audiences to experience both while also relaxing and taking in the city. Designed to be engaging, inspiring and educational, Labor Plaza has been able to create engagement across the physical space as well as in the hearts and minds of audiences.

Legacy and Connection

While a bronze plaque commemorates the decommissioned sculpture Samuel Gompers that once stood on the site, Labor Plaza highlights what it can mean to both celebrate and transform the sort of history that much bigger than any one person. This transformation can enable connections that span audiences and eras.

The Monumentous

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