Military Park Transforms a Forgotten Newark Landmark into a Destination

From the Revolution War Era to Modern Time

Mentioned as the most significant historic park in downtown Newark, New Jersey, Military Park has become a critical gathering space for surrounding businesses, residents, and visitors. After a long history that would see the space fall into disrepair, it has been transformed thanks to an effort by the community to revitalize the park and make it a destination for residents and visitors.

From the Revolution War Era to Modern Time

Originally called Middle Commons, the six-acre area that now defines Military Park once served as a training ground for soldiers. It became an encampment during George Washington’s retreat from British forces across New Jersey in 1667. After the Revolutionary War, the area was converted into a public park.

Over the years, various monuments were installed across the space, including the “Wars of America” by Gutzon Borglum, “John F. Kennedy” by Jacques Lipchitz, “Philip Kearny” by Henry Kirke Brown and “Frederick Frelinghuysen” by Karl Gerhardt. These monuments helped to define the park as a commercial center for both the city and the state, enabling it to host a variety of events and activities across the 19th and 20th centuries.

Over time, the park fell into disuse and disrepair. In 2010 the Military Park Partnership was founded to revitalize, develop, and operate the park, providing space for a restaurant, community reading room and much more.

These activities have provided direct and indirect sources of revenue. All film, video, and photo shoots in Military Park require a permit from Military Park Partnership, providing an additional source of revenue. To further bolster these revenue opportunities and means of community engagement, the Military Park Partnership defines the programs, events and horticulture of the park.

This connection with the community can be seen across the calendar of activities highlights the many activities that take place all year long,  including regularly scheduled jazz concerts and farmer’s markets. These developments have completed the transformation of the space into one that now welcomes audiences from across the city and beyond.

Cultivating an Inviting Atmosphere

As one of the three downtown parks in Newark that were laid out in the colonial era, Military Park has a history that is connected to the origin of Newark itself. However, this history has been transformed in a positve manner thanks to an effort to make the space more open as well as one that cultivates an inviting atmosphere.

Once taken as a symbol of urban decay but now featured in maps and guides to the city, Military Park has been transformed thanks to an effort to cultivate the connection it has to the past and present of the entire Newark community.

The Monumentous

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