The Nevada State Veterans Memorial Showcases How to Enable Connection and Engagement

Defining Eras and Generations of Americans

Designed to honor the spirit and memories of those who fought for the United States, the Nevada State Veterans Memorial connects the past of the nation with present audiences in Las Vegas, Nevada. By depicting the people who fought in various conflicts, the monument provides an incredible example of what it can mean to enable connections on a personal level with events that can too often feel distant and detached.

The History of Sacrifice in Nevada

Located on the grounds of the Grant Sawyer State Building, the Nevada State Veterans Memorial was created by the Las Vegas Memorial Foundation (LVMF) and dedicated in 2015. It was designed and produced by bronze sculptor Douwe Blumberg, who mentioned that he wanted the monument to be a history lesson and also a bonding opportunity.

The Nevada State Veterans Memorial is comprised of 18 figures that are sized at 125%. These individual figures represent multiple conflicts that cut across multiple generations of United States conflicts. Dating back to the Revolutionary War, individual sculptures represent conflicts that range from World War I to the Korean War to wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East. All of them are set in front of granite walls that have been engraved with quotations about everything from courage to patriotism to sacrifice to appreciation.

In addition to the military figures, there is also a modern-day family that represents the sacrifices so many non-combatants have made as part of these conflicts. These figures highlight how the entire monument is designed to serve as a place for audiences to reflect, heal and forgive.

While the funds to enable the creation of the Nevada State Veterans Memorial came from a variety of places, continued revenue opportunities have been enabled by initiatives like Buy a Brick, Gift a Brick, which allows people to sponsor a brick within the Nevada State Veterans Memorial in honor or memory of a Nevada Veteran. Annual events at the monument represent an additional means of engagement that highlight the sort of impact that landmarks like the Nevada State Veterans Memorial can have on a community, city, and entire country.

Defining Eras and Generations of Americans

The Nevada State Veterans Memorial represents entire eras and generations of Americans but the experiences that audiences can have with both are unique, highlighting the incredible opportunities for engagement that such monuments represent. By connecting with audiences in such a profound manner, the monument showcases what it can mean to enable connections that resonate in the hearts and minds of audiences across the eras.

The Monumentous

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