Tjuvholmen Transforms an Oslo Shipyard into a Neighborhood

Part of an Urban Renewal Project

Located on a peninsula that sticks out into the water, Tjuvholmen is a neighborhood in Oslo, Norway, that has cultivated a strong sense of identity which appeals to both residents and visitors. This identity has been realized though the infrastructure and monuments that are located across the neighborhood, showcasing what it can mean to transform an entire area into a landmark.

Part of an Urban Renewal Project

While shipyards that used to reside on what is now Tjuvholmen have a history that stretches back to the mid-19th century, the area has been used for office space, terminals, and warehouses since the 1980s. Private development saw the space transformed as part of a bigger urban renewal project, with the development of the Tjuvholmen itself commencing in 2008.

The buildings that now define Tjuvholmen were created by over 20 different architects, creating a mixed residential and commercial area with the space for small landmarks like the statue of Jens Olav Walaas Selvaag, as well as what has become one of Oslo’s main attractions, which is the Astrup Fearnley Museum.

Just outside of the museum is the Tjuvholmen Sculpture Park, which houses work from a variety of artists including artists Louise Bourgeois, Antony Gormley, Anish Kapoor, Ellsworth Kelly, Ugo Rondinone and many others Franz Wes. It has proven to be an attraction for visitors as well as a place for residents to relax and congregate.

The identity of the neighborhood has cultivated further connections with the installation of pieces like “Into the Future” from Tore Bjørn Skjølsvik. Doing so highlights how many different and distinct opportunities can be cultivated as a result of an effort to transform a space, community and larger region.

Creating a Neighborhood

The effort to transform what was otherwise an unremarkable area of Oslo has defined an identity for an entire neighborhood that residents and visitors can interact with in different ways. In becoming a hub of activity that houses a variety of restaurants, shops and other businesses, Tjuvholmen connects the past with the future of Oslo in a way that cultivates a legacy for the entire city.


The Monumentous

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