The Vicksburg Riverfront Murals Imagines an Ordinary Flood Wall as an Extraordinary Cultural Canvas

Depicting Vicksburg's Diversity

The Vicksburg Riverfront Murals are a series of paintings that appear on floodwalls of the Mississippi River in Vicksburg, Mississippi. These murals depict the history of the city through the centuries but also directly reference the culture of the region. Doing so has highlighted what it can look like to creatively depict the significant events, people and place’s from a community’s past while creating a legacy for its’ future.

Depicting Vicksburg’s Diversity

At the turn of the 21st century, a group of Vicksburg ladies visited a city with murals on a floodwall that depicated the past and present of the city in a powerful way. It inspired them to drive a similar project in Vicksburg that would eventually be endorsed and supported by the City of Vicksburg and all of the major economic and historical development organizations in the city.

Everything needed for the project was provided by the community in order to bring added tourism dollars to the city, enhance art and history education, provide a backdrop for special events and also create a tribute to the heritage of Vicksburg. Officially launched in 2001, the first mural by artist Robert Dafford was unveiled in 2002 with the last being painted in 2009. Over thirty committee members, mural sponsors and others helped make the Vicksburg Riverfront Murals a reality.

The murals depict everything from The Famous Teddy Bear Hunt to The Last Remaining Ferries on the Mississippi to the Home to Early American Civilization. These are more focused on the history of the area, while murals like Willie Dixon: Blues Roots & Fruits along with Koestler’s Christmas and Welcome to Vicksburg are more about the people and culture of the city, all of which are tied into the river, the railroad, and the highway that have fed Vicksburg’s diversity over the eras. Each contains a bronze marker that further explains what the mural is depicting along with information about the sponsor.

The finished 32 panels completed the first phase of the initiative, but there is plenty of room for growth and expansion. The presence of the murals has already compelled engagement from across the community that can be seen in events like the annual 10k Run Thru History event. The murals have also created a direct source of revenue for stakeholders, as notecards, prints and posters are all available for purchase.

By using what would otherwise be an empty floodwall to depict the city’s historical and cultural significance, the Vicksburg Riverfront Murals have been able to create a powerful legacy that connects the past and present of the city. The active efforts of the community to enable these benefits have created a positive impact that is set to further evolve in the short and long term.

From Ordinary to Extraordinary

There are countless pieces of empty and undecorated infrastructure in cities across the world. Some have been transformed to become essential elements of a community as a result of a tremendous effort and expense. The Vicksburg Riverfront Murals showcases that substantial investments are not required to make this kind of an impact though. Simply imagining how the history and culture of an area can be highlighted and celebrated can change something ordinary into something extraordinary.

The Monumentous

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