Vietnam Living Memorial and Veterans Memorial Garden Define Bayview Park for the Key West Community

Built to Honor Veterans of the Vietnam War and the Major Wars of America

Veterans Memorial Park is comprised of the Vietnam Living Memorial and the Veterans Memorial Garden. Both have come to define Bayview Park and become an essential part of the community in Key West, Florida.

Built to Honor Veterans of the Vietnam War and the Major Wars of America

Bayview Park is the long-standing home of Key West’s monuments to Civil War Soldiers, which made it the ideal location to house a memorial that was designed to recognize the names of all Key West and Florida Keys servicemen who died during the Vietnam War. Built to honor all individuals that were either born or lived in Key West prior to when the Vietnam War ended in 1975, the Vietnam Living Memorial and Veteran Memorial Garden were dedicated in 2015.

The Vietnam Living Memorial recognizes over 360 Vietnam veterans who were born in Key West or living in the area prior to when the war ended in 1975. Granite panels and other markers honor all of the citizens and soldiers who supported the war, while the Fallen Solider Battle Cross is specifically dedicated to the 36 Key Westers who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

The Veterans Memorial Garden features 12 War pedestals that recognize the major wars the United States has been involved with over the past 200 years. The Civil War Forgotten Soldier statue and the Korean War Monument honor Key Westers who served in those conflicts. These markers define the landmark and underscore what has enabled the entire location to become an essential element of the community.

An Agent Orange Marker, Statue of James Montgomery and More

Various markers and monuments are contained throughout the Memorial Garden, enabling it to honor the sacrifices that were made in numerous conflicts. They range from a walkway that features scenes from various wars to a Purple Heart garden to an Agent Orange marker dedicated to all who died from this chemical.

Additionally, a statue that depicts James Montgomery of Kansas is dedicated to the man who came to Key West to recruit men for a regiment of troops made up entirely of free blacks and former refugee slaves.

Honored Vietnam veterans in Memorial Park have their names displayed on bricks with new ones being installed on a regular basis. Additionally, the organization that created and maintains the monument takes denotations that provide a powerful means of direct revenue.

The installation of such a notable monument in Bayview Park has allowed it to define the space in a way that otherwise would have been impossible. As the host to various community events and activities, it highlights the incredible power that monuments have when it comes to redefining a space while creating opportunities for a community in the present and future.

A Legacy Connecting Solider and Society

The Key West Memorial Wall and Garden were designed to commemorate, honor, and respect those who gave so much and serve as a positive connection between soldiers and society. This connection has cultivated connection and opportunity across the community in Key West, all of which will allow these landmarks to serve as attractions for the entire region in the present and future.

The Monumentous

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