Cities across the world are changing in literal and figurative ways. The roles and functions of libraries, parks, community centers, and schoolyards are changing in light of 21st century needs, but many of these spaces are also succumbing to challenges related to their age ability to serve the public. The first comprehensive demonstration of the […]
Experiencing the Legacy of Baltimore’s Washington Monument
Monuments that are dedicated to concepts like victory or the history of an area often symbolize something far more ambiguous than ones dedicated to a specific person. However, landmarks that have been erected to honor a single individual frequently come to represent something much deeper. That’s certainly what happened for the Washington Monument in Baltimore. The […]
How Would the “Silver Born” Sculpture Increase Your Property Value?
Places like the Neon Museum and the Fremont Troll attract audiences from across the world, and the positive economic impact these kinds of pieces have created is undeniable. It’s the same kind of effect the Silver Born sculpture is designed to produce for the space or area in Nevada where it’s built. What would it […]
Experiencing the Block Where Denver Began
Larimer Square, in the Lower Downtown neighborhood of Denver, Colorado, is the city’s first designated local historic district. The history associated with the buildings on the 1400 block as well as Larimer Street itself have played an important role in the economic and social importance of the area, and that impact continues to evolve. Today, […]
A Culture Monument for Cleveland: “Ohio Infinity”
Modern sculptures like the Bean in Chicago and the Wall Street Bull in New York are celebrated for a variety of reasons, and the positive economic impact these kinds of pieces have created is undeniable. It’s the same kind of effect the Ohio Infinity sculpture is designed to produce for the space or area in […]
History and a Show at the Tower of David
Jerusalem’s Citadel, also known as the ”Tower of David”, is located within the Old City and possesses great historical and cultural significance. Serving as the symbol of the city of Jerusalem for generations, the tower provides an incredible view of the city, a museum that takes visitors through the history of the area, and a […]
Bringing A Christmas Story to Life in Cleveland
The movie “A Christmas Story” was released a week before Thanksgiving 1983 to a mixed reception from audiences and critics. Over the years though, television airings and the home video release of the film turned it into a seasonal classic for audiences across the world. A cable network started a 24-hour marathon of the film […]