Eagle Square Personifies the Community Spirit of Concord

Built out of a New Hampshire Community Spirit

Designed to be a community gathering spot, Eagle Square in downtown Concord, New Hampshire, has become a place where visitors can sit and relax as easily as they can go shopping, all while enjoying the natural and constructed wonders of New Hampshire. This combination has enabled the entire community to use the space in a way that has had a positive impact on the culture and economy of the city.

Built out of a Community Spirit

Located below the historic Clock Tower on Main Street and nearby Bicentennial Square, Eagle Square was created out of the community spirit that defines Concord. That definition now extends to the shops and stores located in Eagle Square which use the Eagle Square name and brand as a means of identity. The Eagle Square Deli as well as the logos for One-Hundred and 7 Eagle Square addresses highlight what this looks like in a practical sense.

Featuring great acoustics, access to electricity and stadium-style seating, the amphitheater at Eagle Square is an ideal location for concerts or rallies, highlighting an important means of community engagement as well as a place for people to informally gather. The nearby fountain and picnic areas provide further opportunities for the community to engage with one another and during special events.

Built in 1992, Eagle Square has become an important feature of the city featured in maps and guides. By cultivating a unique identity as well as installing features that make it especially distinct, Eagle Square has been able to showcase what it means to turn an entire space into a monument for the benefit of residents and visitors alike.

More than a Gathering Place

Eagle Square was conceived of and built as a monument that would be all around viewers, providing the Concord community with a space that would be about much more than a simple spot to congregate or shop. Doing so has ensured that what would otherwise be just another downtown alleyway has instead become a place that businesses and community members can utilize in multiple ways.

The Monumentous

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